Wednesday, April 29, 2009

European Initiative

Summary :

Will Hutton, in How Europe can save the world, The Observer 11.03.07 ,says that
The European Union has reach a deal on handling climate change and energy security .
The 27 nation EU has bound itself to lower its carbon dioxide emissions by 20 per cent by 2020 from their 1990 level ; that goal can be done by using renewable energy sources like water , air, tidal power and biofuels . France is dependent on clean nuclear power .Nuclear power ,clean coal and renewables are responses to stop the European countries’ dependence on Middle Eastern oil and Russian gas .
New limits for carbon emissions are set in the EU. After 2010, every new power station in Europe will have to have ‘carbon capture and storage technology’ ,and this will stop or at least reduce the carbon emissions .

Main idea :

Will Hutton , a committed pro-European ,says that Europe has taken the lead in the battle to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and he commends European politicians for this . He is hoping that their efforts will prove successful because he believes there is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for government action to prohibit climate change .

Comment :

I do believe that reduction of carbon emissions is very important ,but there are problems .Renewable energy is expensive and itself provides environmental problems . European business will complain being suffering higher energy costs than American ,Chinese and Indian competitors .
No one country could achieve alone .It needs to be stronger on targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and it needs to include the Indians ,Chinese and Americans .

Monday, April 27, 2009

Task 5 - My carbon footprint

I measured my carbon footprint at & it was 3.02
Most of the students had similar figures. The average figure for CRE was approximately 3.87. The main factors which contributed to my figure were classified as:

a) travel
b) stuff
c) home

Dubai is famous for industrial production and construction and air-conditioned shopping malls .Carbon footprint in the United Arab Emirates is one of the highest per head in the world .The region is a major contributor to emissions of greenhouse gases through its oil and gas industry, which pumps more than 30 per cent of the world's oil supplies and ten percent of the gas supply .

The per capita emission of greenhouse gases in the UAE is the highest in the world in 2009, according to a report of the Development Program of the United Nations . Per capita emissions 6.33 tons to come in second place behind Qatar and over nine times the global average. Taking into account its reputation as a main source of emissions the UAE launched a series of initiatives aimed at reducing emissions by around 40 per cent

The main source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the burning of fossil fuels for energy production and transportation, followed by the importance of changes in land use and deforestation. If we want to avoid dangerous climate change, most of what we can do is to burn less than a quarter of the inventory of known oil and coal and gas burning, because the amount of more than a quarter will almost certainly lead to the emission of enough carbon dioxide to change the climate dramatically.

Develop plans aimed at putting an end to the problem of climate change or at least slow down the pace.
Quick tips
Don’t use the washing machine until it is filled completely, and use the least possible amount of water
Do not wash the clothes like trousers until they really need to be washed .
Use cloth napkins instead of tissue. This way you protect the trees .
Do not let the water run while brushing your teeth or shaving.
You also have to :
verify the proportion of energy consumption, compared before purchase of any large group of household appliances, this allowing you to know how many kilowatts - hour of energy consumed per month.
Eat food that comes in the lowest rank in the food chain. The production of fruits and vegetables consumes less energy than that consumed by the production of meat.
Plant your fruit & vegetables without the use of pesticides .
Get rid of excess fat in meat and poultry because it is consumption of fatty products. Many of the chemicals emitted into the atmosphere are stored in fatty tissues .
Repair leaky pipes or a leak in the water supply.
Try not to wash your car too much; do not use excessive amounts of water in the cleaning of your home .
Do not leave the oven on during sleep. Heating consumes huge quantities of electricity .
Use the economic lamps / bulbs in the consumption of electricity .
Try to avoid the use of your own car as much as you can: Use the cycling, your feet or public transport .
Use non-toxic cleaning materials in your home .
Finally the magic words for the management of household waste are : reduction, re-use and recycling .
Task 4 - Reviews of ‘ An Inconvenient Truth ‘

Brandon Fibbs, , in a favorable review, points out that Al Gore is correct , the scientific community agrees that global warming is happening and we must act immediately . Al Gore has enough charts ,photos and data to convince people having doubt . The photographic evidence is shocking .The movie is not pessimistic but ends with positive advice which could save the planet .

Scott Nash,, in a more negative review, says that the film is more about Al Gore than global warming ; he mentioned his son’s car accident & his sister’s death . The movie makes political points ; Gore tried to dig points against Bush and Republicans .Eric questions the validity of the photos ; pointing out that old photos were taken in winter & new ones in summer .

What is my opinion ? I too agree with Mr Brandon Fibbs ,because global warming is one of the major threats to our planet . I appreciate Mr Gore and the way he presented . In spite of any individual or country the whole world should be in one team and take steps against the threat . He presented various photos from Patagonia ,Kilimanjaro etc . From these examples from the past we can say really there is some changes in our climate and from his film we all got some awareness about our future . At least we need to take quick action and save our earth from the global warming rather than calling this film controversial .